Knowledge improved in 2018

This quarter I thinking some knowledge to evolve, this list is a personal backlog:

  • Python: Unit Test
  • Python: Coverage
  • Python: API
  • Python: BDD
  • Python: Web Automation
  • Python: Mobile Automation
  • Ruby: Unit Test
  • Ruby: Coverage
  • Ruby: API
  • Ruby: BDD
  • Ruby: Web Automation
  • Ruby: Mobile Automation
  • C#: Unit Test
  • C#: Coverage
  • C#: API
  • C#: BDD
  • C#: Selenium
  • C#: Web Automation
  • C#: Mobile Automation
  • Java: Unit Test
  • Java: Coverage
  • Java: API
  • Java: BDD
  • Java: Web Automation
  • Java: Mobile Automation
  • Node.js: Unit Test
  • Node.js: Coverage
  • Node.js: API
  • Node.js: BDD
  • Node.js: Web Automation
  • Node.js: Mobile Automation
  • API Mock
  • Data Base Mock

Author | Henrique Breda

QA Automation Engineer. Passionate about technology and game design.